Our generation, more than the preceding generations, has witness a good number of divorce cases. Divorce is now a legal issue unlike before when it has nothing to do with the law. In the modern society before a broken marriage is referred to as a divorce, it has to be pronounced by the law court. Divorce is therefore a legal cancellation of marriage in the law court. Once the cancellation has been pronounced by the court it will have effect in the society and the marriage ceases to be recognised in the society. Every legal right attached to the marriage has also ceased to be effective.
The fact that divorce is legally accepted in the society and that there are many broken marriages in the society do not eliminate the negative effect of divorce on the individuals involved. One of the negative consequences of being divorced is the psychological trauma associated with divorce. Whether you like it or not, divorce affects the mental state of the divorce or divorcee. Most divorce experience untold mental problems after divorce. It can affect the way a person reasons sometimes. Most of the negative consequences of divorce are built on this negative effect of divorce. It takes a well trained counsellor to help people who are have such problem to cope with life again.
Divorce can also have some dangerous health implication to on the people involved. Such medical complication like high blood pressure as result of excessive thinking can be caused by divorce. When a person is divorced by another that he or she loves, such experience can shatter the dream of the person. This can make the person to be crying always. For the person, happiness has been taken away from him or her. Imagine how a person will feel when the partner that he or she has lived happily tells him or her that he (she) is no longer interested in the marriage. Such news is like announcing the death of a beloved one.
Besides the medical effect of divorce, it can also lead to change in behavior from the negative point of view. There are some divorcee’ who have developed hatred for men owing to their experience in their past marriage which ended in divorce. Such people find it difficult to relate with men after such experience. Some end up having a negative impression about men. Many women who have suffered from divorce sometimes refused to enter into another marriage due to the effect of the divorce they have. The same can also be said of men. In other words divorce can have some negative social effect on the people involved.
There is also economic effect of divorce. To get a divorce lawyer is not child’s play. The cost can be exorbitant. Even if you are having uncontested divorce, you need to spend some money also.
Hiring a divorce lawyer can also be very stressful. Any person who is looking for a divorce lawyer has to devout time searching for the best. This can be time consuming and also stressful.
Also see: Divorce > Why Do People Opt for Divorce?