Litigation is the process or the act of bringing a matter before the attention of a court. The court process of hearing a complaint or a legal process whether on a dispute or some kind of judicial contest qualify to be called litigation. People who bring matters before a court for hearing get involve in what is called litigation. The steps involved in litigation can lead to a trial before a court of law.
In most cases a person seeking litigation process usually press a demand that the person being complained about or the one alleged to commit particular offense should perform particular actions that can help to resolve the conflicts. If this does not happen the complainant might opt to begin a process of lawsuit. By doing this he, the complainant, will have to serve the attorneys with copies of summons and the complaint toward the particular defendant. He will also need to fill the court usually called a tribunal court or a civil court with complaint.
Litigation process is never a simple one. The complainant will be demanded to clearly state particular injuries that he or she is complaining about as he attribute them the person he is accusing who is also called the defendant. He should request damages in terms of money and the relief that is equitable to the level of injuries caused. If the complaints do not serve to bring resolution to the conflicts, then the attorneys should start the process of discovery. They must have the copies of the summons and complaints with them to aid them in the investigation process.
When the discovery is over, a court might ask the parties to attend conference for settling cases to find out if a resolution can be hatched before a court trial or if the court has to prevail. It is normally advisable for conflicting parties to find a compromise and possibly agree before a litigation process is started. This is because the litigation proceedings are usually long and tiresome. The court should be sort as a last resort other than the epicenter for all conflict resolutions.
The lawsuit process, if fairly conducted can lead to any result. Sometimes, the defendant may lose the case. In such a situation, he may ask his attorneys to through out the case. The accused in such a situation may also want to file a case against the defendant for spoiling his or her name. This is why before beginning the litigation process it is good to look for a resolution outside a court situation.
Litigation Lawyers
These are lawyers whose work is to help as defense lawyers in a court case. They are probably the only major line of defense in which clients would wish to have their legal cases handle in a court situation. Without litigation lawyers, it can be very easy to loose a case in court.
Reference: Litigation > Understanding Litigation