This day and age everything is about safety and insurance be it a company, car furniture or jewelry. As the level of uncertainty increases worldwide, so does the need for assurance and reliability, this explains the boom in insurance industries and the law sector, the public needs protection along with someone to protect them.
Protection does not always mean physical protection; it can mean protection of assets, reputation and health. Different mechanisms of protection are used depending on the object being protected. Companies may use lawyers to protect their image, asset holders can use insurance companies to protect their assets, public figures use professional public relations specialists to protect their reputation and others use doctors and medicines to protect health.
It is always advisable to hire professional bodies for protection, just as it is important to hire fit lifeguards, muscular body guards and durable bullet proof vests to protect ones life. Using professional bodies/objects increases the likeliness of protection as they are especially built for that purpose. However, due to globalization and competition, there are a number of protection institutions/objects to choose from and the choice usually depends on the price, quality offered and preference of the one being protected.
Many companies and institutions may pose the question “Why hire lawyers?” as they are very expensive and most of the time does nothing but paperwork. The answer to the question of why hire lawyers lies in the fact that as more and more people become aware of their rights as consumers or customers, they increasingly seek out methods of issuing a lawsuit against a company, hospital , school or any other entity. Companies should also hire lawyers in order to ensure their company is up to date with the changing rules and regulations to avoid any mess with the government.
The issue of why hire lawyers is not posed only by companies, it is also posed by individuals, those who are setting up businesses, filing for bankruptcy or for solving domestic disputes. Once again the answer lies in protection. Individuals feel more protected when they hire someone from outside to manage their affairs, it is also highly recommended as the legal process is quite complicated and involved a lot of paperwork.
Individuals also protect their health through medications; this explains the thriving health industry. However it seems that the more people seek to protect themselves, the more calamity they seem to get into such as natural disasters, new diseases and other unprecedented effects. Previously it was unheard of insuring companies offering insurance against natural disasters; it was only available in a few areas of the glove which were prone to earthquakes. However recently, almost if not all insurance companies offer protection against natural disasters, and if one company is not able to provide such a service, another company co-shared the service.
Protection is sought out to such an extent that now even insurance companies require sub insurers to protect them against losses and unprecedented events. These companies are called reinsurance companies.
Also see: Legal Facts > When You Need a Lawyer