Archive for the ‘A/C’ Category

Air conditioners are electronic gadgets or equipment that helps improve indoor air temperatures. This could be in a room, office or even in automobiles. Air conditioning is the act or the course of keeping or improving on the quality of air indoors to make it safe for any ones’ respiration by cooling or keeping the temperatures low to a certain degree of one’s comfort. Many air conditioner manufacturers produce different types of systems and sizes, depending on the size of the area to be air conditioned. That is to say, air conditioners used in cars are not the ones used in homes or offices.

Air conditioning started as late as in the 1750’s, though the gadgets were not called “air conditioners”. It all started as an experiment by professors of chemistry to explore the principal of evaporation as means to cool objects rapidly. In 1758, Benjamin Franklin and John Hadley confirmed that evaporation of highly volatile liquids like alcohol or ethanol could be used to cool down temperature of an object past the freezing point of water, which is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. In their experiment, they used a bulb of a mercury thermometer as the object. They lowered the temperature of the thermometer bulb, which was 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. It was under this experiment that Franklin concluded, “One may see it possible to freeze man to death on a warm summer day”.

From air conditioning experiments, there came ice-making machines. After the experiment in 1820, a British scientist and inventor Michael Faraday discovered that compressing and liquefying ammonia could chill air when the liquefied ammonia was allowed to evaporate. Twenty years later a Florida physician John Gorrie realized that he had to cool air for patients in his hospital, he used the compressing technology to create ice that could cool temperatures. He hoped to use his ice-making machine to regulate temperature of buildings and had a vision of making one that would cool the entire cities, though his vision was flashed away by the death of his financier.

The early commercial applications of air conditioning were used mainly for industrial processing rather than personal comfort. In 1902, the first electrical air conditioner was invented by Willis Havilland, which was designed to improve air for manufacturing process controls in a printing plant. This invention controlled both temperature and humidity. The low temperatures and humidity were good for maintaining paper dimensions and ink alignment, which increased productivity at the work place. Willis started “the carrier air conditioning company of America to meet the increasing demand”. Later, air conditioning was used to improve the comfort of homes and automobiles.

The series of air conditioning innovations continues with much of recent emphasis on energy efficiency and improving on indoor air quality.

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