Foreclosure is a term used to refer to a situation where the right to redeem a mortgage by a morgagee is taken away from him or her through some legal processes. There are so many factors that can lead to foreclosures. Most of the time it is caused by the inability of the morgagee to make payments as agreed. However, there are some sellers who foreclose voluntarily while some foreclose because of the circumstance beyond their control. If a seller is fired from their job, the person may not be able to pay again and such a situation may lead to foreclosure. Medical conditions which make a person inactive again can also give rise to foreclosure.
One thing that can cause foreclosure is too much bill and debt on the part of the seller. They can make the seller to foreclose. Sometimes such issues as divorce can also lead to foreclosure. Divorce can lead to misunderstanding between co-owners and this can lead to foreclosure. Besides the above there are other reasons which can make somebody to foreclose.
There are certain factors that you need to consider before you can buy foreclosures. Most people do buy foreclosures before the foreclosure processes are finished. Whatever be the case you have to take into consideration the fact that foreclosure regulations and proceedings differ from one country to another. It can also vary from one state to another. Some states make use of mortgages. In such states the owner are given a long period of time which can be up to one year to look for alternative shelter or to pay up before the right for making use of the property is withdrawn from the person. In other states where trust deed is used, the home owner has little time to stay in the home before he or she loses the right to occupy the home legally. Sometimes it may not be up to 4 months before the trustee can sell the house.
Sellers are given some period of redemption within which they have legal right which cannot be revoked until the time of redemption elapses. The duration for this period of redemption differs from state to state. In some states the period of redemption is longer while in some the period is smaller. In the light of the above you have to know what your state law says about foreclosure before you purchase it otherwise you may be making some mistakes.
Foreclosure is not done abruptly. It is expected that the buyer should notify the seller on time before buying the house. In some states it is illegal to buy foreclosures without informing the seller properly. If such is done, it can lead to sanctions, cancellation of the sell in the law court.
Foreclosure has continued to raise some dust among people. Some are of opinion that it is morally bad for buyers to take advantages of the sellers’ predicament while some people are of the opinion that it is purely business. There is no question of morality in it.
Reference: Real Estate > All you need to know about Foreclosure