Archive for the ‘Scales’ Category

As exciting as the subject sounds, moisture analyzers serve a very important purpose in the field of scientific research. In many areas, moisture measurement is a key piece of data. Moisture content provides a lot of information in the right circumstance. Working with chemical compounds, grain, natural gas and some manufacturing processes require moisture measurements. A moisture analyzer is one of the best tools for making the measurement.

In the field of grain research, moisture is a very important data component. Researchers measure crop density per acre and moisture level to determine the health of the plant being grown. The moisture level reading tells the researchers how much water the plant is holding. A moisture curve graph is created by plant, with an optimum level of moisture determined. The measurement tells the researcher if the actual level of moisture is at the optimum level or if it is high or low. The researcher can change his growing practices depending on the data, giving the crop the proper amount of water. Grain measuring companies build moisture analyzers to measure moisture levels as the crop is harvested, allowing on-the-fly measurements in cases where large amounts of data are being collected.

When natural gas is mined, moisture levels are very important. The technicians involved in determining the quality of the gas must measure the moisture levels to determine how much gas is present per cubic foot, and how much moisture is contaminating the gas.

Several different types of moisture analyzers are available, depending on what you have to measure. Some moisture analyzers fire infrared light into the substance being measured, using feedback to measure the amount of moisture present. These are often used in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. Chilled mirrors are used to measure the content of moisture in gases. The gas is run over the mirror, which eventually fogs up. The temperature is measured when the fog appears, which allows the moisture content of the gas to be deduced. Electrolytic sensors are also used for gas moisture measurements. The gas is run through two windings that have an electric current running through them. The current consumption can be measured, which allows the researcher to deduce the moisture level. Spectroscopy allows a technician to send light through a gas and measure the wavelength of the light that comes out the other side. The wavelength allows the technician to calculate a moisture level. Some types of spectroscopes are more accurate than others, and of course you must pay a higher cost for that accuracy.

Moisture content is a very important data point in many fields of research. Scientists have many methods for collecting moisture levels, depending on the substance being measured. Advances in moisture analyzers over the years have given researchers the ability to get more and more accurate moisture levels, making their data more useful. Moisture content in grain, natural gas, pharmaceuticals, and other items can be determined to whatever accuracy level you need with the right moisture analyzer.

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America has become so obsessed with losing weight that when we hear the term “the Battle of The Bulge” we automatically assume that it is a reference to the struggle to keep one’s waistline from expanding rather than to the famous attempt of the Allies to beat back Germany’s Ardennes-Alsace Offensive in the late stages of World War II. This obsession with the scale is well founded when we consider that Dr. Richard Carmona, the Surgeon General of the United States, in 2003 predicted that more than 300,000 Americans would die that year from illnesses related to obesity. Compared to estimates of less than 100,000 American casualties from the actual Battle of the Bulge, the problem is a serious one indeed.

Dr. Carmona, in that same speech delivered to the US House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Education, declared that 2 out of 3 Americans were overweight, and advocated reversing our nation’s tendency toward increasing portion sizes and lack of physical activity. Controlling portion sizes and getting more exercise are still among the safest and most reliable means of losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight.

The regular monitoring of one’s weight by stepping on the scale once a week can help us judge whether we are doing enough o control our portion sizes and choosing healthy foods. If we find our weight drifting upward or if we are not making the weight loss progress for which we hoped, then we can make adjustments to our daily routine, either adding more exercise or decreasing calories a little more.

A good kitchen scale is the most reliable weight to be sure that we are maintaining the proper portion sizes in each of our daily meals. Following the Department of Health and Human Service’s Food pyramid when we select our daily menu can go a long way toward maintaining a healthy weight, but only if the portions are standardized and controlled to avoid an excessive calorie intake. While things like an apple or an orange are easy to measure in terms of serving sizes, other foods like mashed potatoes, meats, cheeses, and baked goods can be difficult to gauge without using a kitchen scale to weigh each portion size, at least initially. Once each of us becomes accustomed to the appearance of a proper portion size of each of these foods, we can begin to judge by eye rather than weighing everything. Although, to avoid the risk of portion sizes drifting upward over time, we should continue to use the kitchen scale as a check of our portion size estimates every once in a while.

The use of both the kitchen scale and the bathroom scale should be a part of our ongoing efforts to fight today’s “Battle of the Bulge” along with a strong program of daily exercise as approved by our family doctor.

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