apsmith's blog

Passenger Rail Context

New Diary over at DailyKos:

Passenger Rail: the context

Post your comments there, thanks! This is mainly an analysis of the intercity rail components of S.294 and H.R.1300.


We've had wiki entries for Energize America on DKosopedia since last summer; I've updated the main Energize America page there to include the 2007 proposals we've been working on for the new congress.

Rail issues

I posted a diary at DailyKos summarizing issues from the comments we've received so far on the High Speed Passenger Rail proposal:

High Speed Passenger Rail: First Issues

High Speed Passenger Rail

I've just posted a diary on an update of the original Energize America Act V, in support of passenger rail:

Energize America: The High Speed Passenger Rail Act, Draft 1

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