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apsmith's blogPassenger Rail ContextNew Diary over at DailyKos: Post your comments there, thanks! This is mainly an analysis of the intercity rail components of S.294 and H.R.1300. By apsmith at 2007-04-02 03:54 | read more
Wiki-ingWe've had wiki entries for Energize America on DKosopedia since last summer; I've updated the main Energize America page there to include the 2007 proposals we've been working on for the new congress. By apsmith at 2007-03-31 04:26 | read more
Rail issuesI posted a diary at DailyKos summarizing issues from the comments we've received so far on the High Speed Passenger Rail proposal: By apsmith at 2007-03-22 13:22 | read more
High Speed Passenger RailI've just posted a diary on an update of the original Energize America Act V, in support of passenger rail: Energize America: The High Speed Passenger Rail Act, Draft 1 By apsmith at 2007-03-16 17:37 | read more
SearchThe Energy Smart Communities Act of 2007What people are saying about EA2020These proposals are solid, mature, politically palatable. Nothing stretches the envelope in such a way as to seem utopian. But taken together they provide the necessary path towards the new energy economy we desperately need. Recent blog posts
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