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2007 Worldwide Wind StatisticsThe statistics on the new installations of wind turbines throughout the world can be seen at this site: http://www.gwec.net and more specifically: And in this, is some great news - the U.S. is #1 in a good way, this time. A bit more than 1/4 of all new installations were done in the U.S. 2008 looks to be a repeat of this effort. very little wind capacity was retired (old worn out small units taken down, often in repowering efforts in Europe, where new units replace older ones). About 91% of all turbines were installed in 10 countries, but this is a more broad-based arrangement than a few years ago, when the U.S., Spain and Germany constituted most of the wind turbine market. The big unknown is what happens at the end of 2008, when the PTC incentive in the U.S. (worth about 2.6 c/kw-hr to wealthy passive tax investors, based on the 2 c/kw-hr tax credit). If the PTC is not extended, or a more logical arrangement like Renewable Feed-In Laws is instituted (or better yet, the PTC is renewed and RFIL's are passed), 1/4 of worldwide demand for wind turbines would vanish, and this will not be good for domestic manufacturers of wind turbines and components for these wind turbines. Note: Both Michigan and Minnesota are considering RFILs, and California recently invoked a limited form of these via Public Service Commission rules. Ontario also has a RFIL for 10 MW or less projects, and about 1 GW of these will be installed shortly, plus their newer big projects. So a short-lived demise of the PTC might not be as bad as the last lapse in this incentive. But, it would be better for all if the PTC was extended, at minimum for another year. Note that the PTC is starting to be noticeable in its effects on Federal tax receipts - a 3 year extension was going to cost the already less than broke Federal Govt over $5 billion. But, regardless, if you readers have any squeeze on your state legislators, look into a version of the RFIL law proposed in Michigan (see http://www.wind-works.org). And if you have any squeeze with your U.S. Congressperson(s)/Senators, start squeezing! And get your friends and neighbors involved, too. Not only is this a matter of a sensible future with respect to our Climate, national security, future natural gas prices, balance of payments, its also about a growing economy. As Homer Simpson would say - "Doh!" Nb41 |
SearchLatest NewsNetroots Nation is going on right now - these links will take you to live blogs of the past two year's presentations: The Energy Smart Communities Act of 2007What people are saying about EA2020The Energize America 2020 project that emerged from a collaborative effort in the Daily Kos community is remarkable. It's easily the most impressive thing I've seen presented at YearlyKos -- and I don't just say that because it's my issue. In terms of substance, process, and practical results, it's an inspiring example of what the grassroots can do. Recent blog posts
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