Archive for the ‘Cigar Bands’ Category
People love personalized things. Personalizing an item makes it look unique and special in the eyes of the gift recipient. For example, you can customize ordinary cigar bands and transform them into works of art for use in special occasions.
Many online cigar stores can provide you with high quality cigars and cigar bands. These can also be customized to suit your needs and the occasion. Some of the events you can grace with personalized cigar bands include corporate parties, weddings, and anniversaries. You will be able exceed people’s expectations using personalized bands made with special paper or foil. The addition of special effects like embossing in gold or lithography will do wonders for your band. You can personalize cigar band whether you have a cigar or not.
You can look for blank cigar bands in different styles and start designing your own labels instantly. You can then print them from any compatible high quality printer. You do not have to buy poorly designed cigar bands or hire someone to design them for you. You have the power to design everything yourself to your heart’s content. The bands come in different shapes and sizes. These are produced in various materials and colors.
If you feel the work is too daunting, you can let professionals personalize the cigar bands for you. Just tell them what you have in mind and they will make it a reality. You will still be able to utilize your creativity and imagination to produce the piece of work you need. You can use a theme that you have previously used or seen and liked or you can select a theme from the huge collection in the online library provided by a customizing company.
If you are having or attending a wedding, you customize your cigar bands for the occasion. You will end up with the best bands with made according to your specifications. Some of the designs are modified as per your preferences to create new bands for the wedding at the most reasonable prices.
The process begins with your desire to have custom-made cigar bands and identifying the professionals that you believe will do the best job for you. You will have to contact them through the phone or email. They will then create a trial impression and email it back to you. This is done so that you can check to see that everything is in order. If you find that something is not right, you can return it for them to make the necessary changes before they start making the actual cigar band.
The cigar bands can be personalized to match the theme of the occasion that you are having. If you have a photograph that you want included in the cigar bands, it can be made even more beautiful by putting fabulous cigar bands all round it. An experienced cigar band customizer knows just what you need by listening to your preferences and the occasion you need to decorate. Some of the customizing companies are passionate at what they do. They can offer viable suggestions that will help your cigar band looking even better.
Cigar bands are coiled around wrappers of cigars for various reasons. Initially, they were made for branding cigars and keeping them unique from those made by other cigar manufacturers. A cigar maker from Holland invented the first cigar band in early 19th century to make his cigars look more prestigious. Many established cigar makers started placing bands on their cigars a few years later after seeing the effect it had in Bock’s business fortunes. They began competing in making the most stylishly designed and colorful cigar bands.
Today, getting these early cigar bands is very difficult and it can bring you great respect if you have the oldest and most elaborately designed bands. Apart from being a symbol of status, you can use cigar bands for various occasions. You can use the antique collections of cigar bands or get new ones.
Every special occasion needs a gift to make it memorable for the person being honored. One of the items you can use as a gift is a cigar band. People need high quality bands as gifts during occasions, such as corporate parties, weddings, anniversaries, baby showers, graduations, bachelor parties, promotional events or for any other event. Personalizing the bands makes them even more special. You can customize them with foil and emboss them in gold or any other color that you wish.
Some occasions call for just any band but other occasions are appropriate with specific colors, size, or material used. This makes that special moment to linger for many years in the minds of the person to whom you will present the gift. The good thing about using cigar bands during occasions is that they do not only appeal to cigar smokers and band collectors only. The efforts involved in producing beautiful customized bands make them achieve an artistic property that most people would appreciate. You do not have to place them on cigars either.
Those who do not know how to customize cigar bands or have no time to do it can give antique bands they could have collected over many years. They can also buy bands from online sites that design cigar bands for people.
Cigar bands were primarily made to help smokers identify their favorite brands, due to the intense competition among cigar manufacturers in the past. For that reason, cigar bands were extremely colorful and of fabulous designs. This was meant to impress the buyers, who would in turn try to impress other people. Now, cigar makers are not so keen to make cigar bands of exception quality. This state of affairs arises because the number of cigar makers has dwindled over the years because of the competition from cigarettes.
People still collect cigar bands and keep them as souvenirs for special occasions and gifts. This has become a habit for people who like antiques. Bands that were made in the 19th century and mid 20th century are considered more prestigious than those produced in recent years are. In the early years of the production of cigar bands, the cigar manufacturers were falling over themselves to make the best bands ever seen in the industry. The bands determined the way the cigars were marketed, and the quality of the cigar was almost directly proportional to the kind of band.
See more Cigar Bands: The many uses of Cigar Bands
The finest cigars consist of various sections. The three major sections are the filler, binder, and wrapper. A complete cigar can be stuffed with about thirty types of tobacco to produce the aroma and flavor that many smokers find exceptional. Most cigars are nowadays machine-made, but people still consider hand-made cigars higher in quality. The finishing done on the cigar can provide a glimpse of the quality you will find in it. Finishing can include having a band placed on the wrapper of the cigar.
A cigar band is a coiled paper or foil that is placed round the wrapper of the cigar. It is used to identify the brand of the cigar, where it is made or its variety. It was previously not known exactly how the tradition of placing bands on cigars or who started it and this led to the emergence of various myths. However, historians agree that a Dutch cigar maker known as Gustave Bock must have invented it in the mid 19th century in Cuba. The first cigar bands contained Bock’s signature to increase the cigars’ quality and prestige.
A few decades later, many cigar makers had adopted the tradition of using cigar bands, and different designs emerged. As a result, cigar bands started being bolder and bigger. People started filing for trademarks for their individual designs and promoting banded cigars as the genuine products.
The increased competition for designing the most elaborate and eye-catching bands produced design masterpieces. The advancement in printing technology played a major role in enhancing the production of cigar bands. Today, you will find some people who have dedicated their time for collecting cigar bands. Many collectors have joined organized groups to pursue their cause.
Cigar bands have served an important purpose in producing unique products in the cigar industry that was experiencing great competition for the market share. Bands produced in recent years since the early 20th century are less visually attractive than before. This is because manufacturers have experienced decreased need for branding their cigars due to less competition. The growth in cigarette manufacturing led to fewer manufacturers. There was no need for brand uniqueness as a result.
Cigar bands have not existed without some controversy regarding its use and whether or not it should be removed during smoking. In some places, removal or retention of bands is of no consequence while in others, it is considered a form of showing off.
Many smokers find it necessary to remove the bands after the cigar has been lit. This is because the heat leads to loosening of the glue holding the band onto the cigar, causing it to fall off.
To prevent counterfeiting of cigar bands, many manufacturers occasionally change their bands in terms of color and design. Today, cigar bands can also be customized to suit the tastes of an individual or for an occasion. This is not peculiar for recent years. Even before the 1950s, prominent people were ordering for custom cigars and their bands.
Early cigar bands were made using elaborate techniques such as embossing and lithography. The paper was also of high quality.
See more Cigar Bands: All About Cigar Bands