Advantages & Disadvantages of Bankruptcy

You should know that filing for bankruptcy is your right, especially if you have no means of making the payment or if it will take your more than 4 years to eliminate your debt. Some people will decide to declare bankruptcy to get away from harassing calls of collection agencies and to avoid lawsuits. While others may already receive a petition for bankruptcy, in this case the debtor is the one which files this petition against the debtor even if it is against his personal choice.

The most attractive part of bankruptcy is when you are declared debt free and you can start with a clean slate. However, this option should always be the last in your list because even though there are advantages to filing a bankruptcy, there are also disadvantages and it needs careful consideration before making your final decision.

As mentioned above the main advantage of bankruptcy is that you are no longer liable for the debt you have incurred no matter how much the sum is. You will no longer worry about how or when you can pay it. With this you can begin a new financial life and hopefully this time you can manage your finances better.

One of the biggest problems that debtors have is when the collection agencies try to call and make all possible to ways to collect money from you. They may even try to harass you just to get the amount from you. This can be very annoying and frightening to some. However, if you file for bankruptcy the court will order the collection agencies to stop those phone calls and stop sending those collection letters.

There may even be instances when some of your unsecured debts are discharged. When bankruptcy is discharged there is a big possibility that it will not show in your credit report, thus you will have a good chance of recovering faster from your financial troubles.

Because of those mentioned advantages many may feel that it is the best option, but they should fully understand the disadvantages of declaring bankruptcy so they can better decide.

When you declare bankruptcy all your properties will be taken away from you. They will be sold and the funds will be used to pay your existing debts. But not only this, you will also have a problem acquiring properties later on which may include any inheritance.

Bankruptcy will ruin your credit report and possibility of getting financial assistance such as loans is almost impossible. The worst thing is it might take about 10 years to fully clear your name from bankruptcy. If you have plans to paying your remaining debts to at least repair your credit score a little, you won’t be able to so because your petition for bankruptcy won’t allow you until after 6 years. This would result to the worsening of your credit score.
Declaring bankruptcy does not only affect your financial status, but your overall well being and your interpersonal relationships as well. So prior to thinking about this option try to seek advice from the experts so you will be confident that you can make the right decision.

Settling Legal Business Matters

If you are a business owner you will be very much worried about your business affairs. The biggest thing you are worried about is not getting into any illegal problem. Many businesses do not know how to deal with the legal problems and the owner also waste their money in different useless thing so they are unable in settling the legal matters.

There are many forms of legal issues like if costumer promised to pay and he didn’t pay, if you find that the person who was your manager has set his own competing business and he gas also stolen your workers and one of the best costumers. Moreover if someone has made your business notorious at internet and if someone has sued you for thousands of dollars.

If you want to solve these problems then you have to go for some solutions which may help you solve these problems. They are as follows:

1. Find some Legal Help:
If you have found the problem then its better that you should take action as early as possible. If you do not take the action when it is required the may be face a great failure or the great loss. The action should be taken when it is supposed to be as it is very much essential for settling legal business matters. It is better that you seek advice from your lawyer when it is required as the early response may cost you less.

2. Call on your Lawyer:
Here, if you are in problem then you should call on your lawyer which may help serve the purpose. Calling on lawyer is not much expensive and is also not much difficult. All you have to do is search for some lawyers and find out that which is going to help you the most. When you have chosen the lawyer, you can pay him and the rest of the job is done by your lawyer. Now he is committed to settle your business affairs and he will do it in a better way.

3. Business Relations:
You may know that success is achieved when you have good market repute and good relations with your costumers and employees. Other than these the relationship with your lawyer matters a lot. After all, lawyer is the one who is going to serve the purpose, when you are in huge problem. So it is better that you have a very friendly relationship with your lawyer.

4: Lawyer’s income Demand:
One more thing that you must know is that it is not necessary that the one who is offering less money is the most appropriate lawyer for you and vice versa. It’s the career status that matters but not the income demand. You must witness the whole back ground before you appoint the lawyer, rather than just going for the pay survey.
These are the things which may help you a lot in settling legal business matters. There are many other tips which also should be considered but these are the most essential ones.