Things you need to know During Foreclosure

When your property is at risk for foreclosure it is important that you know how this process works and the time frame you have, so that you can act accordingly and possibly save your home from foreclosure.

Your property is at danger of foreclosure if you have failed to make your mortgage payment for more than 2 months. Your lender will then send you a foreclosure letter if you have missed 4-5 monthly payments but the time usually varies from one lender to another. Some may immediately send you a foreclosure letter with 2 missed payments while others may take a while.

When you have received the foreclosure summon you usually have about 20 days to response and if you don’t the court will favor the lender, and will give them full ownership of the property wherein they can put in auction. As for you, you have about 2 to 3 weeks to move out of the property before a sheriff will force you out of your house.

I’m sure you would not want all of this from happening, so the first time you receive a summons, or better yet the first time you know that you have financial problems, deal with it right away. You can deal with it on your own or you can ask legal assistance from people who are knowledgeable about dealing with foreclosure and the like. When you are assisted by a lawyer you will be guided as to the proper things to do and you will be given alternatives on how to get away from foreclosure. These lawyers are experts in this field so they can give you the best and practical advice that you need.
On the other hand, if you acted too late and your property is foreclosed then you have no other choice but to go on with your life. During the first few months, it is normal for you to blame yourself about what happen. There will be a lot of questions and “what if” that you will think about. It is normal to grieve about your loss and it is even healthy to do so. But the grieving period should only last for a certain time.

At some point you would have to learn to live with your loss and continue with life. You can start by finding a home for you and your family. You can start by finding a place to rent that is within your means. From there on you can continue with your job or, if you don’t have one, look for a job. This time earn from the mistake you’ve committed. You may want to limit if not totally eliminate expenses on unnecessary things and save some of your earnings. This will also be a good time to start repairing your credit scores.

Life after foreclosure is never easy, but the good thing is you can always learn from that experience. There are a lot of people who have gone through the same problem but are able to manage and recover from their loss. You have another chance to correct those mistakes so make your choices carefully and decisions wisely.

Free Online Legal Forms

In this modern generation, the world has become very fast paced and technology has spread its branches to every aspect of our lives. Be it watching a movie or shopping, we can do all at the comfort of our own homes. Technology has also spread so wide that we can get all sorts of information from across the globe with just one click. Similarly, in the field of law also, technology has made it in a big way.

Now, one does not need to hunt for an attorney or wait for his turn to be attended by an attorney or even pay a lump sum merely to get a legal form. All you need for this is a computer and internet connections and of course the knowledge of basic computers in order to operate it and download the forms. All kinds of legal forms ranging from child custody, rental contracts, guardianship, to even filing for bankruptcy, are available online. So, we do not need to visit or pay the attorney, unless we require specific legal advice on any issue.

In order to begin the process, first we need to know what kind of legal form we want. Next, we need to hunt for the websites that offer free legal forms and documents. Once we find the websites, it will not be difficult to find the form and download it as most of these websites are user friendly, and we can easily follow the instructions and go about downloading the form. After downloading the form, all we need to do is fill it in with information like name, address and other relevant fields as required. Finally, it can be printed out and both parties involved can sign in and the contract is ready.

Since these forms are legal and not merely hand written by any party, the value of the document is much more. In case of hand written document on any blank paper, there is always a chance of fraud. Either of the parties can deny the contract and no legal action can be taken against it since it is not on any valid legal form. In this respect, online forms, which can be easily available, are a big boon, whereby there are less chances of fraud.

With the availability of free online forms, the whole process of renting of property has become so easy. Once you have the client, you can simply download the rental contract form and sign and get signed by the client, and the deal is done. The contract is done without investing any time or money for an attorney.

The same process can be done for any kind of business deal or contract, where the form is downloaded and signed by both parties. For those who want to be on the safer side, you could also get a stamp or seal of an attorney to certify the authenticity of the contract in order to avoid any future misunderstanding or crisis.

So, we see that downloading free legal forms can save a lot of our time and money. Only if we know what kind of form we want, we can simply browse the net, gather the information, and download the form, without having to waste the money on paying the attorney.

Expensive Bankruptcy Attorney Costs

Bankruptcy is such a situation faced by many where they are burdened by heavy debts. Now to add the expenses of a bankruptcy attorney will only increase the already piling debts. So, what do we do?

Should we not file for bankruptcy? The answer is absolutely not. If we are under such a lot of debt, we surely need relief from them and the only answer to this is filing for bankruptcy, which will eliminate our credit card bills and other unsecured debts provided our petition is granted.

Then what do we do? File the case by ourselves in order to eliminate the cost of the attorney? The answer again is no. There are a host of clauses in the law, which we are mostly unaware of. Also, the law keeps changing every now and then and we usually do not keep track of all the changes and would not be able to handle the case as efficiently as a lawyer or attorney would handle with his plethora of knowledge and experience.

So, what do we do? We need to file bankruptcy and also need a bankruptcy attorney for it. How do we manage to bear the cost of the attorney? Well, the answer to this would be that first and foremost you have to stop fretting about the extra cost but rather think that this is going to relieve you of your financial burden, which you have been bothered with for such a long time.

Next, the amount that you will be saving by not paying your debts (totally or partly), once your bankruptcy petition is accepted and bankruptcy is discharged can make up for the payment of your attorney.

Other than this, what you can do is read articles and build your knowledge on bankruptcy. You could go through various websites online and research bankruptcy and the various clauses to get a better picture. This will help you when you deal with your attorney. A bankruptcy lawyer charges by the hour and if you have to be explained everything in detail; it will only mean extra hours and hence extra pay. So, if you have enough knowledge already, the lawyer will not take much time to explain things to you and you can cut down on the expenses of the attorney.

There are many attorneys who think that they are indispensable and hence charge exorbitantly. What we need to do is research on the actual rate per hour of a bankruptcy attorney, so that we get a clear picture as to what we should actually pay. Then when we meet our selected attorney, we should first talk about the budget and the time schedule, so that we are certain about the bill that we will be paying at the end and the attorney cannot take advantage of our situation and charge us anything he likes.

So, instead of feeling burdened by bankruptcy attorney costs, we must find ways and means to handle the cost because at the end of the day it is going to be worth the effort and payment that we make now.